Blog Archives

MMO Grinder: Vermintide 2 (Episode 104)

Eternal Crusade (Episode 97)


A game that never saw the light of day on stream, and few in Grindstone even wanted to talk about. Only Dreskar, Jabber and I have anything to offer up on this limiting, and substandard shooter.

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Vermintide (Halloween Special 2015)


Three different levels of investment, a mega-fan, a casual fan, and someone who’s usually pestered by others to play these kinds of games. I’ll let you guess who is which. Dreskar and I are once again joined by Karochi. Pay-to-Play titles with 4 player rooms don’t really get us to offer up much feedback. Well… we’ll see if I add in something by Karis later.

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Sidequest: Warhammer 40k Dark Nexus Arena